“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”

Colossians 1:28

  • Reformed Spirituality

    The Marrow of True Faith. When the Gospel invades our lives, it plants within us the seed of new life. This new life lives on sound doctrine and breeds a warm, evangelical, deeply affectional, others-centered religion. There is nothing sterile or clinical about the Christian life. We are committed, therefore, to a ‘light and heat’ ministry. A ministry that instructs the mind (light) and raises the affections (heat).

  • Gospel Patterned Liturgy

    The Gospel-Shaped Church. We are committed to remembering and celebrating the gospel as we come together for corporate worship. As we glorify God, confess our guilt, celebrate grace, and extend gratitude, we ‘take the gospel in’ every Lord’s Day.

    Examples of Lord’s Day Liturgy

    Playlist of this Sunday’s worship music

  • Covenantal Commitment

    Our Invisible Union with Christ is Public and Personal. We believe each local church is an outpost for the Kingdom of God. A particular body with members working together for the glory of God. We are committed to serving one another, living as a family, valuing church membership, and assisting our community, regardless of ethnicity, economic status, or social demographic.

  • Global and Local Missions

    Planting, Watering, Growing, and Supporting Local Churches. All authority has been given to Christ. The gates of hell shall not even prevail against the church. We are committed, therefore, to Christ’s cause of making disciples around the world. Wherever people are, there the church must be.

Where we worship

Leprino Hall at Colorado Christian University


Sunday School - 9:30 AM

Worship Service - 10:30 AM

First Sunday of the Month: Evening Service - 5:00 PM

You may park in any area around Leprino Hall

*You do not need a parking permit for CCU*


Got a question for us? Need to talk with someone or a prayer request?

We’re here to listen and serve. Every question or concern is received by one of our Pastors/Elders.

Calvary Redeeming Grace
PO Box 261358
Lakewood, CO 80226
