Calvary Redeeming Grace

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Chapter 6: One With Us: Incarnation

What would you say to someone if they demanded from you an answer to the problem of suffering and chaos? I imagine you would answer with the all too common answer of the free will defense or something along those lines. Kapic, in chapter six, suggests a different answer. Kapic writes, “God’s response to this chaos and sin and suffering is that God takes responsibility!” (74). 
You mean, God doesn’t want off the hook when it comes to pain and suffering? No, argues Kapic. God takes responsibility not only in His eternal decree of all things, but also by becoming one of us in time. The Son’s incarnation, suffering unto death, and bodily resurrection are God’s answer to our cosmic crisis. Leaning upon church fathers such as Athanaius and Augustine, Kapic argues that human sin and suffering creates a kind of cry that rose to the heavens and was received like a call to the loving Creator such that God made haste to help us and appear among us (80). 

Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain and Suffering