Calvary Redeeming Grace

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Lie #1: Homosexuality Is Normal (Part 2 of 4)

Intersectionality is a modern analytical tool that claims the world can and should be divided into two classes–the oppressor and the victim. To apply intersectionality one must build a grand narrative, including every minute detail, to demonstrate why one group of people is oppressed and must be liberated. As Bible-believing Christians, we know that God condemns injustice, so how are we to think clearly about intersectionality? 
This week’s chapter suggests two concerns that we must be aware of (page 60): first, intersectionality doesn’t ground itself in God’s truth, meaning we may not consider a victim to be the same as the world (e.g. homosexuals). Second, it fragments society instead of unifying it. Christians know that ultimately there is one unified oppressed group of mankind under the yoke of sin, and as long as sin remains in hearts there will always be oppressors and victims. Intersectionality is not the path to an Edenic world, it is the Gospel alone.

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age