Calvary Redeeming Grace

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Lie #3: Feminism is Good for the World and the Church

Chapter seven begins with more personal anecdotes regarding Butterfield’s past and relative present experiences. As usual, she is biblically sound, historically astute, and culturally aware. She argues that “feminism and the gay rights movement share an ideology that has been especially harmful to women even as it claims to offer rescue” (150). In other words, the purported freedom and liberation feminism offers women are deceptive half-truths. 
Butterfield writes, “It (feminism) believes that grievances from patriarchy and not God’s design from creation make women distinct from men. Women are thus taught to believe that our bodies are vulnerable to abuse because patriarchy is dangerous. That’s a deceptive half-truth. Biblical patriarchy (Eph. 5:22-33) protects women by giving a wife a godly man as ‘head’ to love and protect her; a daughter; a godly father; and a single woman, a church to protect her. In contrast, the world produces many ‘heads,’ some of them tyrannical…. The Bible declares that a woman is distinct because she is made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27) and the ‘glory of man’ (1 Cor. 11:7).” In the end, and sadly along the way, feminism insults women. It wants an essential and distinct women’s voice at the same time that it rejects a biblical origin for what makes a woman distinct.

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age