Calvary Redeeming Grace

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Lie #4: Transgenderism Is Normal (Part 1 of 3)

Envy is defined as ‘a feeling of resentful or discontented longing aroused by another person’s better fortune.’ The Bible calls envy sin. Butterfield correctly states that sin is the root problem of transgenderism and specifies that this is the sin of envy. When, for whatever reason, a person decides to identify as something other than who God made them to be, they are choosing to rebel against truth and believe a lie - and often, this is conducted alongside a support system. Butterfield says, “When the sin of envy is bolstered by the additional sin of enablers, envy becomes a social sin of monstrous proportion… God’s desire for human beings to reflect his image is maimed and surgically destroyed. But not eternally.” 
Envy tells the story of victimhood, and victims are people who should be supported, but should people who embrace the sin of envy (or pride) be pitied and empowered - even when God, science, and common sense dictate that transgenderism is harmful? “Real love confronts the lie that suffering people can’t help but envy others. Real love does not envy (1 Cor. 13:4).”

Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age