Preparing for Lord’s Day Worship (Pt. 1)

LET’S GET READY TO….WORSHIP! Lord’s Day worship is the most exciting and beneficial part of the Christian’s week. The Sabbath is a day set apart by God in His creational mandate as a gift for His people - so accept this gift, be in the moment, and worship God! And now I ask, how have you prepared for this moment? 
How will you prepare for worship?
Did you roll out of bed and get here just in time? Did you pray last night to prepare your heart and mind to receive God’s gracious gifts this morning? Please, don’t feel bad, my goal is not to point out our weaknesses to feel guilty, rather I want us all (myself included) to grow in preparing for Lord’s Day worship. So for the upcoming weeks, I will consider theological angles such as, “Does God expect us to be prepared to worship Him?” to the practical steps of what we can do to show up on Sunday ready to go! How will you prepare for worship? My prayerful hope for our new series is that we all become better Lord’s Day preppers.


Preparing for Lord’s Day Worship (Pt. 2)