The Introduction- Part 1

As noted two weeks ago, we will spend the next several weeks considering Rosaria Butterfield’s new book, Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age. Due to the brevity of the Shepherd’s Call, our comments will be broad rather than detailed and specific. For further study, please read through her book in its entirety (it's good!). 
The gospel message hurts our pride in life-giving ways, and for that I praise God
— Rosaria Butterfield
After laying out the five lies of our culture, Butterfield makes a public confession: for years into her Christian life she continued to believe some of these lies, or in her words, she continued  “wearing the wrong team colors” (p.17). Whether it be using and defending what are called ‘preferred pronouns’ (p.17-18), legitimizing the language of homophobia (p.19), or believing that all change-allowing therapies harmed sexual strugglers (p.19-20), Butterfield makes a clear, yet sweet, admission of her sins writing, “The gospel message hurts our pride in life-giving ways, and for that I praise God” (p.20). 

Ryan Wassell

"For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus' sake" (2 Cor. 4:5).

A native of Vacaville, California, Ryan was saved by grace at the age of nineteen under the preaching of the gospel. He graduated from Westmont College with a B.A. in Religious Studies, and four years later, he received his Master of Divinity from The Master's Seminary. In 2014, Ryan helped plant Redeeming Grace Church in Denver, Colorado where he currently serves as Lead Pastor.

Ryan enjoys reading and studying theology with a special emphasis on Puritan, Reformed Spirituality. He is married to his lovely wife Jamie. They have four wonderful children, Leighton, Halle, Ryken, and Londyn.

The Introduction- Part 2


Reflecting on Lord’s Day Worship (Bonus Pt. 6)