women’s discipleship groups

Women’s Groups meet at various times and places depending on the group.

The women’s discipleship groups are groups of 3-4 women that meet together to pray, read the Word, to encourage and exhort one another, and discuss what they are learning through their time in His Word. For more information, please contact Nikki Knott or email CRG@thecalvary.org.

Women’s Leadership Cohort

This 2-year women’s ministry at Calvary Redeeming Grace Church exists to glorify and enjoy God by equipping and encouraging women in the delight-filled and careful study of God and the gospel through his Word (Ps. 111:2; 2 Tim. 2:15). It is our prayer that in this pursuit, we will be transformed in mind and heart (Ro. 12:2; Ez. 36:25-27) and live lives of holiness in speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity (1 Tim. 4:12) in community with other believers through intentional, confessional, prayerful, sacrificial relationships and in loving our neighbors through gospel-centered hospitality, love, and grace.

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